Dany Bahar is an Associate Professor of Practice of International and Public Affairs at Brown University's Watson Institute, a Faculty Affiliate of Brown University Economics Department, a Senior Fellow of The Growth Lab at Harvard Center for International Development and Director of Migration, Displacement, and Humanitarian Policy at the Center for Global Development. An Israeli and Venezuelan economist, he also is affiliated to the Brookings Institution, the Center for Global Development, CESifo Group Munich and IZA Institute of Labor Economics. As a policy scholar he has deep expertise on topics related to globalization, technology and economic growth. He has written extensively, too, about the benefits of immigration. He has worked and consulted for multilateral development organizations, such as the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank. In 2019, he participated in a task force of independent experts convened by the secretary general of the Organization of American States to recommend regional actions on the Venezuelan migration and refugee crisis. He also produces and hosts a videocast/podcast "Economists on Zoom Getting Coffee”. Bahar holds a B.A. in systems engineering from Universidad Metropolitana (Caracas, Venezuela), an M.A. in economics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, an M.P.A. in international development from Harvard Kennedy School, and a Ph.D. in public policy from Harvard University.

Speech topics

How global economics and policy will affect your organization

As a scholar at Brown’s Watson Institute and Harvard’s Center for International Development, Dr. Bahar discusses recent trends on international trade, capital flows and migration and the direct impacts these dynamics have on firms and individuals worldwide. This lecture explains the basics on how the global economy is integrated, and touches upon events threatening the global order, such as trade tariff wars, supply chain disruptions, restrictions to international mobility, etc.

Immigrants and refugees: Holding us back or pushing us forward?

This lecture focuses on the role of immigrants in fostering economic growth. The lecture demystifies some of the typical narratives surrounding migrations with respect to displacing workers, creating crime, etc. by looking at evidence and real-life examples on how immigrants tend to be a dynamic force boosting economic growth, by creating firms and creating networks that facilitate trade and investment.


Economists on Zoom Getting Coffee

About big questions that keep economists busy and are relevant to all of us. 

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