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Huggy is a Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, and the other of several acclaimed and bestselling books, including the forthcoming The Friction Project  LEARN MORE »

Exclusive Speakers for any occasion

Author and the Editor in Chief of Foreign Policy 


Leadership, influence and motivation expert, who is ranked among the top management thinkers globally.


#1 Bestselling Author: Swith, Made to Stick & most recently Making Numbers Count



Alton Fitzgerald White is Broadway's longest-running 'Lion King' –sharing his secret to fulfillment & joy in everyday work & life   LEARN MORE »


Jake Wood is a former Big 10 football player, former Marine and Founder of the impactful non-profit Team Rubicon and now the modern philanthropy start-up Groundswell provides the rich background for Jake to delver energizing talks on leadership.


Books people are talking about . . .


by Maggie Jackson

A revolutionary guide to flourishing in times of flux and angst by harnessing the overlooked power of our uncertainty.

The Friction Project

by Huggy Rao

The definitive guide to eliminating the forces that make it harder, more complicated, or downright impossible to get things done in organizations.

Goodbye Globalization

by Elisabeth Braw

A bold new account of the state of globalization today—and what its collapse might mean for the world economy.

Before It's Gone

by Jonathan Vigliotti

An up-close look at the way climate change is affecting America and a call to action to protect the people and places we stand to lose if nothing is done to preserve our planet.

Says Who?

by Robert C. Wolcott

An indispensable guide to the Proximity revolution, showing how it’s transforming every industry—and our lives.

Higher Ground

by Alison Taylor

An indispensable guide to help companies navigate the new era of ethical challenges and risks in a volatile global landscape.